
It’s the swan song of summer, as we get ready to say goodbye to those lazy days. And while much of the rest of the country has already gone back to school, here in the northeast, school awaits just around the corner. And, with it? Those back to school photos all parents are obliged to […]

Back to School Photo Tips for Parents


brother and sister hugging and laughing

Motherhood is often portrayed in the extremes: idyllic sweetness or chaos. But, as with anything else in life, the truth more often lies somewhere in the middle. Never was this made so evident as it has been with the pandemic of the last two years. I initially expected the pandemic to curtail client sessions, but […]

The Beautiful Mess That Is Motherhood


Two mothers and their son, sitting with their black dog.

Any boy moms out there? I’m raising my hand right along with you. Raising boys in today’s world is an interesting balancing act. We must teach them resolve and determination and conviction, while also shining a bright light on kindness and compassion and gentleness. None of these traits is more important than the other. However, […]

Raising Boys Today


Tarrytown, Pierson Park, Hudson River, family photographer, boy mom, tweens, single mom

In 2018, I found myself weaving in and out of creative ruts in my personal photography. Part of this was due to the massive family film project that the kids and I undertook for 4.5 months of the year (for which my still photography took a back seat), but the rest is all on me. […]

Happy New Year: fave 18 in ’18 (personal edition)


12 Tips for Better Mobile Photos NOW

freebie alert

The best camera is the one that's with you. And, for most of us, that's usually our phones. Level up your mobile photography game with these 12 tips to help you capture more engaging images. 

levitate your skills

Mobile Photos
12 Tips for better

let's make magic

For those who see
the magic in the everyday.

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